Semaj' Byrd 1/6 Dance Class

This is a last minute call my friends, but don’t miss the amazing opportunity to take an intermediate/advanced dance workshop with Semaj’ Byrd!!

Come take an intermediate/advanced dance workshop with Semaj’ Byrd on Saturday, January 6 from 6pm-8:30pm. This is a unique opportunity for intermediate/advanced theatre dance students who want to learn combinations and audition techniques/strategies. He will cover a variety of styles and we will be dancing the entire class.  Please eat before you come- you may bring water and a small snack (if needed). When you sign up, you are committing to attend (there is a class limit) and you will need to pay cash at the door before entering the class. You must stay the entire class- please wear proper clothing and shoes. Please be on time!

Please sign up using the Sign Up Genius link:

Feel free to contact FAOPA with any questions.