Jeff Bogue
Choral Director
Newsome High School, Lithia, FL
Education: Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees In Music Education From Florida State University
How Did Your Journey Begin: I started teaching chorus at Newsome High School and I have loved it!
Hobbies: Singing, Traveling, Spending Time With Family
What’s The Coolest Thing You Have Ever Done: It’s a tie between climbing the Great Wall Of China and going on a safari in Africa.
The Most Important Thing In Your Life: Family
Favorite Movie: Star Wars Movies
Favorite Food: Steak
Goals: I hope to make an impact through music and to provide a place where kids feel safe, cared for, and motivated to love music as much as I do.
Advice For Students: Never be afraid to be who you are. I spent too many years of my young life trying to be what I thought was “cool” in an effort to fit in, and it turns out I fit in much better when I was myself.